
November 6, 2013 Minutes

Weds.  November 6, 2013


George Alexander, Treasurer, H

Don Levy, H

Jennifer Sacco, H

Tad Weinstein, WH, chair

Peaches Quinn, NH vice-chair

Johnes Ruta, NH

Phil Kimmel, H 

CTV representative not present at our request

Comcast representative not present at out request

Meeting called to order 5:55 p.m.

CTV and Comcast reports given in writing.

George moved to accept the October minutes and Peaches seconded.  Minutes approved.

George tells us the council received a letter dated Oct. 30th from Mike Maturo of the South Central Cable Advisory Council asking us to join a petitition/protest about the state raiding the PEGPETIA funds.  Because of our agenda, George suggested he would send a copy of the letter around to the council for electronic discussion.  Don moved that we joing the petitition, seconded by Johnes.  Motion passed.

Don agrees that he will draft language and contact relevant constituencies and state representatives on behalf of our council.  Jen will contact Maturo to let him know we are joining his council in their efforts.

December meeting is moved to Weds. December 18.  Peaches will call to make reservations at Sage, or Brazi’s, or Christopher Martin’s.

Discussion of CAC prize program to decide what we want to promote and how we want to disburse funds.

Decided we want to use program to highlight the role of public access.  Prize money will be targeted toward student populations.

George moved that we conduct the contest 2 years in a row, and each time award a 1st prize of $1500, 2nd prize of $1000, and 3rd prize of $500.  Motion passed.

Schools targeted will be the public middle schools.  Motion passed.

Prizes will go to the student’s classroom where the project was promoted. 

Contest is to promote the first amendment by using public access spots to highlight societally relevant issues, such as:   first amendment rights, ecology/nature, global warming,  health, bullying, use of social media.

Has to be a video which can be broadcast on CTV.

Meeting adjourned 7:32 p.m.