
November 5, 2008 Minutes

MINUTES of CTAC of Hamden, New Haven, and West Haven – November 5, 2008

Sharon Codeanne, Comcast
Tad Weinstein, WH
Jennifer Sacco, H
Stuart Arotsky, WH
George Alexander, H
Joyce Listro, WH BOE
Gabriel Michael, NH

Meeting called to order 6:00 p.m.

Sharon presented updates from Comcast, including price increase and shifts in channels.

No member of CTV present.

Brief discussion of viability of CTV and public access being made available on internet.  Council appears to be for making CTV available online, though at last meeting Joe Schofield indicated his opposition to it, because their income is derived through fees Comcast collects.

Correspondence was reviewed and passed on to Sharon for Comcast response.

Selection of location for December meeting; Tad suggested the Playwright in Hamden, 6:00 p.m. Wed. December 3rd.

CTV meeting needs a member of our council to attend next Thurday at 6:00 or 6:30.  Jen will check schedule to see if she can attend.

Motion to adjourn made by Tad, seconded by Joyce, meeting adjourned 6:45.