
May 1, 2013 Minutes

Weds. May 1, 2013


George Alexander, Treasurer, H

Don Levy, H

Johnes Ruta, NH

Jennifer Sacco, H

Tad Weinstein, WH, chair

Peaches Quinn, NH vice-chair

Joe Schofield, CTV

Sharon Codeanne, Comcast

Meeting called to order 6:10 p.m

Comcast report given.  A few increases for installation and equipment fees will be effective July 1st.

CTV report given.   AT&T is still not providing a return line to the CTV headquarters.  Also, there is language in the proposed contract with AT&T which CTV is not willing to sign because of concern that it contravenes state law, and CTV still hopes to be able to resolve the problem without resorting to legal action. George has proposed that if the issue cannot be resolved soon, our board could contact PURA with our concerns about the issue being resolved. 

CTV hopes to close this month on a new location.

July meeting will be cancelled because of proximity to the 4th.

Notifications have been sent to all the mayors, library directors, and superintendents that we have openings  and need new appointees.

Don will draft a press release highlighting the availability of PEGpetia funds from the state.

Meeting adjourned 7:12 p.m.