
June 4, 2008 Minutes

MINUTES of CTAC of Hamden, New Haven, and West Haven – June 4, 2008

George Alexander (Treasurer H)
Stuart Arotsky (Chair WH)
Jennifer Sacco (H)
Tad Weinstein (Vice chair WH)
Joyce Listro (BOE NH)
Sharon Codeanne, Comcast
representative, CTV

1. Meeting called to order 6:05 p.m.

2. Report from CTV: 

  • Comcast fixed the video/audio feed that CTV was having trouble with. 
  • Quinnipiac sent graduation tapes.
  • Hamden Hall H.S. and Notre Dame H.S. will send their graduations to be broadcast as well.
  • CTV reduced their summer hours by 18 hours, and 2 people who left will not be replaced.
  • CTV will be closing early Monday and Wednesday evenings, as well as Sunday to save money.  They are closing early on Friday, but will be open on Saturday from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
  • Stu asked why city council of West Haven tapes are not running.

3. PEG PTIA grant funds discussed—there is money available from the state on the DPUC website: grants for PEG programmers.  Seems to be available to a wide range of people.

4. Discussion of difference between cable box and signal converter boxes.  Signal converter boxes only required for t.v. sets that receive their signal through rabbit ear antennas.

5. Joyce moved to approve minutes from May meeting, Tad seconded, motion carried.

6. Discussion of P.O. box application for CTAC—should probably have more than one member’s name on it.  Need three people to be listed so there are multiple people who can get our mail. George, Tad, and Stu agreed to be on the application.

7. Discussion of AT&T statewide council—no response yet to our reply from last month.  George suggested that in a few months, if we don’t hear back, we should write to DPUC to complain.  Tad said we should only wait one month, and in meantime, George will email them to remind them we are waiting.

8. No update on docket 08-04-02, on the de-regulation of basic cable price.

9. New Business:

  • CTAC membership drive necessary, now that we are down two members.  Jen will ask school of communications at QU if there might be an interested student who wants to join.

10. Meeting adjourned, 7:05 p.m.