
December 11, 2018 Minutes

CTAC   – Monthly Meeting Minutes – December 11, 2018

Members in attendance:
Tad Weinstein (West Haven), Chair
Peaches Quinn (New Haven)   Vice-Chair
Yvonne Manning-Jones   (New Haven) Advisor
Laurel Coleman (Hamden) Advisor
Jennifer Sacco (Guest – former Hamden member)
Johnes Ruta, (New Haven), Advisor, Acting Secretary

Location: annual Dinner – App’s Restaurant, Capt. Thomas Blvd., W est Haven, CT

Meeting called to order 6:55 PM.

1.     November 7 Minutes
No changes needed.
Tad makes Motion to accept: with no changes.
2nd by Peaches Quinn.   Vote unanimous.

2.   CTAC / State of CT Cable Advisory – By-Laws update
Yvonne Manning-Jones, who is working on this update for the CTAC website,
notes that CTAC By-Laws are not corresponding to State of Connecticut Statutes.
Yvonne will make wording changes to reflect the State of CT By-Laws wording.
She says that there are no meaningful differences. Johnes will modify the wording
of item #9 the November Minutes.

3.   Video Contest for 2019.    Planning for youth or public PSA video contest will begin at January meeting.

4    Next CTAC Meeting will take place Wednesday, January 2, 2019 6:00PM, at CTV Studios.
 Depending on members ability to attend on that date, the meeting might be by teleconference.

5.     Meeting adjourned 7:25 PM.

December Submitted 12/27/2018 by Johnes Ruta, CTAC Acting Secretary, New Haven Rep #2