
August 7, 2013 Minutes

Weds.  August 7, 2013


George Alexander, Treasurer, H

Don Levy, H

Jennifer Sacco, H

Tad Weinstein, WH, chair

Peaches Quinn, NH vice-chair

Johnes Ruta, NH

CTV representative not present

Comcast representative not present

Meeting called to order 6:15 p.m.

George moves we approve minutes; Johnes seconds.  June minutes approved.  General discussion of PEGPETIA grants ensued; Johnes raised the question of who administers the funds, particularly if the fund gets raided by the state.   Other members argued this issue did not fall under the purview of our council, specifically.

843 State St. has been purchased by CTV; they hope to relocate in December.

Comcast report given via email.  George raised concern about the move by Comcast to start encrypting television signals so that consumers can no longer access Limited Basic signals from Comcast as of Sept. 17th without additional (for fee) equipment   This means consumers will have to pay on a regular basis for use of decryption devices for their televisions, an effective rate increase on Limited Basic customers.  Council agreed to ask Sharon for more information about this change.

September meeting will be postponed to Weds. Sept. 11th, because the 4th is the start of Rosh Hoshannah.

Jen will put the discussion about the grant decisions to be made in an email. 

Meeting adjourned 7: 03 p.m.