
August 1, 2018 Minutes

CTAC   – Monthly Meeting Minutes – August 1, 2018

Members in attendance:
Tad Weinstein (West Haven), Chair
George Alexander (Hamden) Treasurer
Yvonne-Manning Jones (New Haven) Advisor
Johnes Ruta, (New Haven), Advisor, Acting Secretary

Meeting called to order 6:10 PM.

1.     CTAC Video Contest

May 9th CTAC Meeting was the Award Ceremony and presentation of Prize Checks” at CTV studio,
video recorded award ceremony for CTV broadcast.

CATEGORY A – “Dreamers Beyond DACA”   – to producer Antonia Seyfarth – $1,000.

CATEGORY B – “Fun Things To Do in New Haven”   – to producer Christian Herron “Ceejay”
– $1,000.

Discussion on development of Freedom of the Press, Freedom of Speech as possible themes of
the next CTAC Video Contest for 2019.

  1. April 4 Minutes
    April 4 was the most previous regular meeting, as May was the CTAC Video Award prize presentation.
    June and July meetings were canceled due to intense storm at time of June meeting, and lack of
    a quorum for July meeting.
    Discussion – no corrections needed to previously submitted April Minutes, already on CTAC website.
    George Alexander makes Motion to Accept.   Tad Weinstein seconds this Motion.
    Vote – unanimous.
  2. COMCAST Report: – No report; Sharon Codeanne absent.


  1. CTAC Statewide No report; Joe Schofield absent.
  2. CTAC By-Laws   – accordance with Title 16 of CT General Statutes.
    Discussion whether changes needed ? :
  3. DPUC wording still on cableadvisory.org (CTAC website for Hamden, New Haven,
    West Haven) needs wording update to PURA.
    b. August 2009 Rules still on website – needs to be updated to 2018 wording.
    – Yvonne will review CTAC by PURA PDF docs & submit recommendations.


  1. CTAC Members serve for terms of two years.
    d. If agreed, specific issues may be discussed and voted by email.


  1. Statewide Cable Advisory


Peaches Quinn and Tad Weinstein attended the Statewide Cable Advisory Meeting in May.
Peaches will report on at next CTAC Meeting.
At Statewide meeting, Peaches made Motion proposing that Statewide would split their Budget Funds
among local advisories. Statewide had $30,000 funds. Peaches Motion at Statewide was voted down.

7.   Cable Provider Internet Speeds

Discussion on on comparative internet speeds and TV/ Telephone/ Internet bundle plans.

8.   Next CTAC Meeting scheduled for Wednesday, September 5, 2018, 6:00PM.

CTAC Meeting adjourned at 7:00 PM EDT.

August Minutes Submitted 08/08/2018 by Johnes Ruta, CTAC Acting Secretary, New Haven Rep #2