
April 1, 2015 Minutes


MINUTES of CTAC of Hamden, New Haven and West Haven

Meeting Date: April 1, 2015

Call to order: A regular monthly meeting of CTAC was held at CTV Offices at 843 State Street, New Haven, Connecticut, on Wednesday, April 1, 2015. President Tad Weinstein presiding. Don Levy Secretary. Meeting called to order at 6:10.

Members in attendance:

Tad Weinstein, Chair (WH)

Peaches Quinn, Vice Chair (NH)

George Alexander, Treasurer (H)

Don Levy, Secretary (H)

Johnes Ruta (NH)

Sharon Codeanne, COMCAST

Joe Schofield, CTV

Minutes for March meeting approved.

Joe Schofield provided an update on CTV. He said Channel 26 is being reprogrammed and that all locally produced public affairs programs will receive four broadcasts. Schofield also reported on CTV’s first successful use of WiFi to send video from an offsite location to CTV for cablecasting. He also updated the board on financial issues: the CTV audit has been delayed and CTV expects to receive a city property tax exemption on the property at 843 State Street. Joe also noted that Connecticut had included new PEGPETIA funding but that CTV had not received any new money as a result. State funds for the current fiscal year have run out.

Sharon Codeanne gave the COMCAST report. She highlighted the newest high tech COMCAST service, the X-1 Operating Platform. The one-time fee for this service has been lowered from $49.95 to $19.95. Using this service as many as six programs can be videotaped simultaneously for later viewing by customers. It also has a robust search function to locate programs for viewing or for videotaping.

Chairman Weinstein proposed that the Council meet in an extraordinary session between regular monthly meetings to determine how to move forward with CTAC’s initiative to offer incentives for the production of innovative public affairs programs for cablecasting locally. Weinstein also reminded members to seek to fill the many vacancies on the Council.

The April regular meeting of CTAC was adjourned at 7:20 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by D. Levy, CTAC secretary