November 2, 2022 Minutes
Advisors Present:
Johnes Ruta – Chairperson (New Haven)
George Alexander – Treasurer (Hamden)
Yvonne Manning-Jones – Advisor (New Haven)
Melissa Canham-Clyne – Advisor (Hamden)
Tom Costa – Advisor (New Haven Library System)
Advisors absent:
Peaches Quinn – Advisor (New Haven)
Laurel Coleman – Vice-Chair (Hamden) – On Leave
None present.
I. Call to Order & Roll Call: 6:00 pm Meeting held via Zoom
II. September Minutes
George moved to approve the September 2022 minutes and Melissa seconded. Vote is unanimous.
III. Treasurer’s Report
George gave a Treasurer’s Update: Account balance $5052.64. The only expense for October 2022: $123.76 for officers meeting. Johnes made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s report. Tom seconded. Vote to accept was unanimous.
IV. CTV Community Television
Joe Schofield was not present. No report.
V. Provider was not present. The increase in Comcast’s data speed was noted – as detailed in Amy’s email.
VI. Frontier Report
No report.
VII. Old Business
General information is to be provided on Facebook regarding New Haven’s plans to improve internet infrastructure. Also, on Facebook, CATV meeting dates are kept up to date.
Tom mentioned he approached two West Haven resident professionals in regard to joining the Cable Board – no acceptance from either, to date. Also, Tom reported that the Board’s historical documents were soon to be delivered to NHFPL – to there evaluate the work of indexing and adding to the collection. (Note: documents delivered.)
VIII. Subscriber Issues
A motion was made to request email input from subscribers, as well as to request postal letters. Motion passed.
IX. New Business
Melissa noted the need to recruit new Board members and all agreed that this was important going forward. Ideas were requested regarding legislators to potentially invite to a meeting next year. Yvonne made a motion that we explore a special holiday meeting for December 2022. Motion was seconded by Johnes, who will provide a list of possible meeting locations via email. Bylaws were checked regarding the procedure to follow in event of a meeting cancellation.
Per bylaws, the Chair/President is able to determine/arrange an alternate date for that month.
X. Meeting Adjournment
7:01 pm Melissa made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Johnes.
The motion is approved unanimously.
Duly Submitted,
Tom Costa
Acting (November 2022) Recording Secretary