
August 2021


August 8, 2021 Minutes

Minutes from the Cable Television Advisory Council

Monthly Zoom Meeting for August 8, 2021


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Advisor’s Present:                                                    Advisor’s Absent:

Peaches Quinn (New Haven) – Chair                         Laurel Colman (Hamden) – Vice-Chair

George Alexander (Hamden) – Treasurer

Johnes Ruta (New Haven) – Secretary

Anthony Cardo (Hamden) – Assistant Secretary

Yvone Manning Jones (New Haven)

Tom Costa (New Haven Library Representative)


Call to Order & Roll Call: 5:35 P.M.

  1. Review and Approval of Minutes for July 7, 2021, Zoom Meeting

Ms. Quinn made a motion to approve the minutes, which was seconded by Ms. Jones. The motion passed unanimously.

  1. Council Issues:
    1. Officer Elections:

Officer election results: Chair – Peaches Quinn, Vice-Chair – Laurel Colman, Treasurer – George Alexander, Secretary – Johnes Ruta, Assistant Secretary – Anthony Cardo

Mr. Ruta made a motion to approve the officer elections, which was seconded by Mr. Alexander. The motion passed unanimously.

  1. Revision to By-Law:
    1. Proposed revision 1, change all mentions of Department of Public Utility Control (DPUC) in the By-Laws to Public Utilities Regulatory Authority (PURA) to reflect a change in the organization.

Mr. Ruta made a motion to approve proposed revision 1, which was seconded by Ms. Jones. The motion passed unanimously.


  1. Proposed revision 2, incorporate the revision proposed by Mr. Alexander revision, which was brought up and approved by the council in May. (See May Minutes)

Mr. Ruta made a motion to approve proposed revision 2, which was seconded by Ms. Jones. The motion passed unanimously.

  • Action Item:

Mrs. Quinn volunteered to mark up the By-Laws with the suggested revisions and will submit them to the council for final approval and publishing.

  • CTV Report:
    1. No new report
    2. Issue/Topic/ Viewer Complaint:

Viewer complaint: Mr. Ruta noted that network programs were featuring programs that were being cut off before the end of the scheduled showtime. This issue may have been resolved but will be followed up with CTV.

  1. Comcast Report:
    1. No new report
    2. Issue/Topic/ Viewer Complaint:
      1. July 7th subscriber letter update

No connection has been made with the family by Peaches Quinn and an update from Comcast Representative Ms. Codeane confirmed that a consumer can fall in a perpetual late fee payment loop.

Ms. Quinn made a motion to publish a public warning/comment on the dangers of getting caught in a late payment loop on the council’s website and Facebook page, which was seconded by Mr. Ruta. The motion was passed with 4 votes Yay and 2 votes Abstain. (Ms. Quinn, Mr. Ruta, Mr. Costa, Mr. Cardo voted to approve and Mr. Alexander and Ms. Jones voted to abstain)

  1. Action Item:

Mrs. Quinn volunteered to write up the alert and submit it for publishing.

  • Mr. Costa suggested to contact the Attorney General and inform them of this anti-consumer practice

Mr. Ruta made a motion to follow through with Mr. Costa’s suggestion, which was seconded by Ms. Jones. The motion passed unanimously.

  1. A suggestion was made to contact Ms. Codeane and ask to provide a contact phone number for consumers to call and seek help if caught in a late fee payment loop.
  2. Another suggestion was made to include the consumer number in the PSA as well.
  1. Frontier Report:
    1. No new report
    2. A motion was made to advertise the next bi-monthly Frontier meeting on the website and the Facebook page. The motion passed unanimously.
  2. Old Business:
    1. CTAC Public Service Announcement:
      1. No update
    2. CTAC Facebook Page:
      1. No update
    3. Community Awards:
      1. No update
      2. Open to other suggestions
    4. CTAC Website:
      1. Ms. Jones made a motion to add a link to the Facebook page to the website, which Mr. Ruta seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
    5. Letter to 3 Mayors Urging City Wide Internet:
      1. No update
  • New Business:
    1. No new business
  • Subscriber Issues:
    1. No update
  1. Other topics:
    1. Costa learned that Cross Point Federal Union in Hamden, CT is the local point of contact for Comcast’s Inclusive Funding program
    2. Alexander made a motion for Mr. Costa to use his connections to reach out to the West Haven’s head librarian to find out about their interest in joining the CTAC meetings, which Mr. Ruta seconded. The motion passed unanimously.

Motion to Adjourn:

Mr. Ruta made a motion to adjourn, Ms. Quinn seconded. The motion passed unanimously.

Meeting adjourned at 7:27 P.M.

Next Meeting:

September 1, 2021.




Submitted by: _______________________________

Jonhes Ruta, Secretary

Anthony Caro, Assistant Secretary