
April 2019


April 3, 2019 Minutes

CTAC Meeting Wednesday, April 3rd 2019 

Tad Weinstein – (West Haven._ –  Chair
Peaches Quinn – (New Haven) – Vice Chair
George Alexander – (Hamden) – Treasurer
Laurel Coleman – (Hamden) – Advisor
Yvonne Manning-Jones  – (New Haven ) – Advisor.
Johnes Ruta – (New Haven) – Acting Secretary
Sharon Codeanne – COMCAST Representative

Meeting convened at 6:05.

  1. Review of March 13, 2019 Minutes
    Sharon talks about the PEGPETIA Fund – says that every cable franchise still must provide 6.5%
    of gross revenues to PEGPETIA.

    Laurel Coleman makes Motion to accept March Minutes. George Alexander seconds the
    Motion. Vote unanimous.

    2.  COMCAST Report – Sharon Codeanne.

    Community Relations
    * Comcast launched Amazon Prime Video app on Xfinity X1 in December, giving Xfinity X1
    customers easy access to thousands of additional premium shows and movies.
    * Our annual Comcast Cares Day will take place on Saturday, May 4th – Comcast employees
    will be volunteeringat various projects at the East Rock School on Nash Street in New Haven.
    All are invited to attend.

    * Zee Living HD notified that, effective January 11, 2019, it will be ceasing operations.
    * Effective April 12, 2019, Comcast will be offereing a new Spanish-language channel,
    RCN Novelas to its Xfinity Latino Package. RCN Novelas is a Spanish-language network
    designed for women with a focus on telenovelas and dramas.
    * Comcast programming agreement with TuTV to carry Bandamax, De Pelicula, De Pelicula
    Clasico, Telehit, and RMS/Ritmoson expires on April 8, 2019, and these channels will
    no longer be available. These channels are carried on Xfinity Latino.
    * On April 9, 2019, we are launching QVC 2, QVC 2 HD, QVC 3, and QVC 3 HD on
    Limited Basic.

    * Comcast annual support check for $2,000 was sent to the Advisory Council in
    January 2019.

    * Peaches Quinn COMCAST questions:
    (a)   “Comcast equipment in New Haven is old. – Is there any plan to upgrade the
    network equipment ?”
    Sharon C.: “The Comcast equipment is not outdated.”
    (b)   Peaches relates that a service person replaced her cable line to the street pole
    and the “tag board” that wires go into.
    Sharon C. explains that that is the so-called “drop” from t he street to the house.
    She says she “will do research on these technical functions and provide more info.”

    (c) Peaches question #2: regarding Xfinity X1 – her Netflix access seems to have
    disappeared from her Apps screen.   “Movies are limited more than her Netflix

    * George Alexander asks about the digital picture breakup while watching DVR recordings.
    Tad explains that this happens on all providers.

    CTAC Comments
    Yvonne mentions that the Comcast cell-phone system is on the Verizon platform.

Discussion on cable TV rates jurisdiction: CT Legislature Proposed Bill 6421 to give
CT jurisdiction on rate increases is favored by CTAC. However this requires that
            Title 16 of the General Statutes be amended to regulate cable television rates.

George Alexander asks Sharon is Comcast has any discount rates for Adult Day Care
facilities?   Sharon Codeanne specifies that at this time there are group discount rates
“only for Boys and Girls Clubs.”

  1. CTV Report – files by Joseph Schofield   CTV Executive Director

    Production Classes
    CTV holds its spring orientation April 4th, for field and studio production classes.
    53 applicants have been invited, of which we expect half to show up, and only half
    to complete the training courses. This has been our history. We continue to struggle
    to accommodate all of our priducers with studio time.

    CTV is finalizing the establishment of its Podcast room across from the main studio.
    We will be able to do both audio and video podcasts. It will be open to the public
    without individuals having to take a course.

    Comcast (and, thus, CTV) continues to lose subscribers. Over the past 17 years, CTV
    has lost around 20,000 subscribers, resulting in the loss of $19 5,000 annually. In the
    past 4 years, the CTV staff has gone from 10 members to 6. The remaining staff has
    stepped up to fill the gaps. Management staff has foregone pay increases. The staff
    and Board are seeking other revenue streams.


    Wells Fargo Bank is renewing our mortgage for another 5 year term in Julu. By purchasing
    our current location, CTV has save $30,000 annually in rental/occupancy fees.

  2. Correspondence
    George tells us that the annual Post Office Box fee of $234 is coming due.
    Peaches makes a Motion to make this payment.   Tad seconds this Motion,
    Vote is unanimous.

    5. Tad Weinstein announces that he is moving his residence to Milford in the next months,
    so that will no longer be qualified to represent West Haven at CTAC. He feels he must
    resign next month. The members are shocked, as Tad has been the Chairperson for
    more that 15 years.

    Peaches makes a Motion to maintain Tad until July of this year. We recommend that
    we petition the Mayor of West Haven to retain Tad as long as possible.
    Johnes seconds this Motion.   All vote YES !

Next meeting Wednesday, May 1, 2019 at 6:00PM.

Meeting adjourned: 7:15 PM.

April 3, 2019 Minutes respectfully submitted by Johnes Ruta (New Haven) Acting Secretary.