
October 2018


October 3, 2018 Minutes

CTAC   – Monthly Meeting Minutes – October 3,, 2018

Members in attendance:
Tad Weinstein (West Haven), Chair
Yvonne Manning-Jones   (New Haven) Associate
Johnes Ruta, (New Haven), Advisor, Acting Secretary
John Jessen (New Haven Free Public Library System)
Laurel Coleman (Hamden)
Peaches Quinn (New Haven)   Vice-Chair

Meeting called to order 6:05 PM.

1.   September 3 Minutes
Tad asks for one correction: Item #8 “Frontier has not established FIOS.” Change to:
“Frontier has established FIOS.”

b. New member name “John Jesson” is misspelled. Correct to “John Jessen.” Sorry!

John Jessen makes Motion to accept: with changes. 2nd by Tad Weinstein. . Vote unanimous.

  1. COMCAST Report: –   No Comcast representative present.
    Comcast responded in September to George’s questions about the internet browser FLASH Player
    compatibility.   Comcast responded that they will make the browser correction to adapt this.

    3.   CTAC By-Laws
    Yvonne is working on edit if the present CTAC By-Laws to match the Statewide Connecticut
    Cable Television Advisory By-Laws.   To be applied to the CTAC website:

    4.   CTV
    CTV has not provided a representative to attend the CTAC meeting during the calendar year 2018.
    Johnes makes a Motion to contact Citizens Television (CTV) management to do so soon.
    Laurel Seconds this Motion. Vote unanimous.

  2. CTAC Membership
    Need to fill vacant posts for all three towns as chartered.   Hamden: Members of the public can apply to the Hamden Town Clerk.   Commissioners are elected by the Hamden Town Council.
    Tad makes Motion to contact each town in jurisdiction to provide proper membership.

    Laurel will contact the Hamden Town Clerk to request new appointments.

    6.   New Business
    1. Presidential Alert was broadcast today over cell phone systems to all subscribers.
    Discussion as to existing law making it illegal for any government employee to use this
    for any kind of political or business promotional purpose.

    2. Peaches brings up general discussion of “Roles & Responsibilities” of CTAC and CTAC members
    on CTAC website

    7.   New Video Contest proposal for 2019.
    Videos must be entered as PSA (Public Service Announcement).

Meeting discussion of 2017-2018 Video Contest and student winners.     Peaches describes
aspects of the video contest to new CTAC member John Jessen.
Peaches: “Our budget should put forward some money to schools for video equipment.”
Tad: “In the previous contest, schooks did not want to help publicize the Video Contest,

despite the $1000 cash award available.”

John Jessen talks about Summer Camp Programs that teach video production and editing,
along with Math and Literacy programs,   CTV ran announcements.
The New Haven Board of Alders members, especially Jill Marks and Adam Marchand
should be contacted to ask for assistance with promotion.

Time Frame for the 2019 Video Contest”
November – lists of individuals to contact for promotion.
January – Determine means to promote,contest, and time frame for
Contest criteria
Contest applications
Application Approvals

8. December CTAC meeting: Annual CTAC dinner –
Date – Tuesday, December 11, 6:00 PM.
It is West Haven’s turn: venue possibilities:
a. Biagetti’s (dining room is too loud)   b. Apps   (tentatively decided).

9.   Next CTAC Meeting will take place Wednesday, November 7.   6:00 PM., at CTV, 843 State Street,
New Haven, CT.    

10.   Meeting adjourned 7:07 PM.

October Minutes Submitted 10/16/2018 by Johnes Ruta, CTAC Acting Secretary, New Haven Rep #2