


December 11, 2018 Minutes

CTAC   – Monthly Meeting Minutes – December 11, 2018

Members in attendance:
Tad Weinstein (West Haven), Chair
Peaches Quinn (New Haven)   Vice-Chair
Yvonne Manning-Jones   (New Haven) Advisor
Laurel Coleman (Hamden) Advisor
Jennifer Sacco (Guest – former Hamden member)
Johnes Ruta, (New Haven), Advisor, Acting Secretary

Location: annual Dinner – App’s Restaurant, Capt. Thomas Blvd., W est Haven, CT

Meeting called to order 6:55 PM.

1.     November 7 Minutes
No changes needed.
Tad makes Motion to accept: with no changes.
2nd by Peaches Quinn.   Vote unanimous.

2.   CTAC / State of CT Cable Advisory – By-Laws update
Yvonne Manning-Jones, who is working on this update for the CTAC website,
notes that CTAC By-Laws are not corresponding to State of Connecticut Statutes.
Yvonne will make wording changes to reflect the State of CT By-Laws wording.
She says that there are no meaningful differences. Johnes will modify the wording
of item #9 the November Minutes.

3.   Video Contest for 2019.    Planning for youth or public PSA video contest will begin at January meeting.

4    Next CTAC Meeting will take place Wednesday, January 2, 2019 6:00PM, at CTV Studios.
 Depending on members ability to attend on that date, the meeting might be by teleconference.

5.     Meeting adjourned 7:25 PM.

December Submitted 12/27/2018 by Johnes Ruta, CTAC Acting Secretary, New Haven Rep #2


November 7, 2018 Minutes revised

CTAC   – Monthly Meeting Minutes – November 7, 2018 revised

Members in attendance:
Tad Weinstein (West Haven), Chair
Yvonne Manning-Jones   (New Haven) Advisor
Johnes Ruta, (New Haven), Advisor, Acting Secretary
John Jessen (New Haven Free Public Library System)
Peaches Quinn (New Haven)   Vice-Chair   – teleconference attendance

Meeting called to order 6:10 PM.

1.   October 3 Minutes
No changes needed.
Peaches makes Motion to accept: with changes.
2nd by John Jessen .   Vote unanimous.

  1. CTV
    Tad reads CTV Report filed by CTV Executive Director Joe Schofield to members present and Peaches
    Quinn on phone.1. Community Utilization – CTV continues to operate at full-studio program utilization.
    We have twenty-two regularly scheduled monthly studio programs, nineteen of which are live.
    We also do an average of three random programs monthly,

    We have more than three dozen field-produced and sponsored programs.

    We continue to expand and utilize our live productions thanks to the internet technology
    that does not require us to be hard-wired at the source of the event,

    2. Production Classes – CTV continues to provide basic video production classes at no charge to
    community residents. Our most recent classes certified eight new studio and field producers,
    three of which will be doing a sports, music, and children’s program.

    3. Developmental / Fundraising – CTV continues to be concerned about the “cable cord-cuttimg”
    phenomenon across the country, which has a direct impact on public access funding in
    Connecticut.   Since 2002, CTV has lost twenty thousand subscribers, which amounts to
    a loss of nearly $200,000 annually. Accordingly, CTV has undertaken a number of streams
    which are proprietary and cannot be disclosed here.

    4. FCC – The Federal Communications Commission has launched an offensive against public
    funding, allowing cable companies to reduce the 5% gross receipts paid to the state by an offset

    of “In-Kind contributions.”   we encourage the CTAC to go to the FCC website and comment

    on this action.

CTAC members discussion about phenomenon of “cable-cutting” – that is, cable subscribers
dropping their service because of the high monthly costs of cable TV.   Johnes notes that the only
regulation of cable rates is on the Federal level and not in the jurisdiction of state regulators.
Also, Network digital local broadcasts (over airwaves) has dropped because of lack of enforcement
of franchise requirements, leaving much of the non-cable-subscribing public without network programming.

3.   December CTAC annual holiday rotating dinner-meeting will take place in West Haven Tuesday
December 11 at Apps Restaurant on Captain Thomas Boulevard. 6:00 meeting has been booked.

Comcast Representative Sharon Codeanne, CTV Executive Director Joe Schofiled, and
former member Jennifer will be invited to attend.

4.   Treasurer Report – not available because CTAC Treasurer George Alexander is absent from this meeting.
Therefore, the amount of money in CTAC fund is not available.

5.   2019 Video Contest – Tad Weinstein and Peaches Quinn advise that we should take a break from having
a Video Contest this year. Johnes Ruta advises in that case that we should use the time to develop
new strategies for public outreach.

6.   Annual Report – Tad Weinstein is working on the Annual Report to be submitted to PURA.
Tad states that his report should be available in December.

7. New Business – Peaches recommends that CTAC develop a new Customer Satisfaction Survey,

with random selection of survey.     Results to be broken down by towns, rated how public
reaction to subscription Pricing and Rates, Price and Value. Further categories should be
determined and results reported.

8. Digital Broadcast Reception issues – Many people receiving digital television broadcast over airwaves
report that directional signals change reception quality from day to day.   Johnes suggests that
this is also because of lack of enforcement of network digital broadcast requirements.

CTAC RECOMMENDATION: PURA should investigate TV non-compliance with digital
            broadcast requirements.

9. By-Laws update – Yvonne Manning-Jones, who is working on this update for the CTAC website,
notes that CTAC By-Laws are not corresponding to State of Connecticut Statutes. Yvonne will
make wording changes to our local Hamden/New Haven/West Haven CTAC By-Laws to
correspond to ST CTAC’s By-Laws.

10   Next CTAC Meeting will take place Tuesday, December 11, 2018 6:00PM, at Apps Restaurant,
Captain Thomas Boulevard, West Haven. This meeting will not be open to the public.    

11.   Meeting adjourned 6:45 PM.

November Minutes Submitted 11/27/2018 by Johnes Ruta, CTAC Acting Secretary, New Haven Rep #2


October 3, 2018 Minutes

CTAC   – Monthly Meeting Minutes – October 3,, 2018

Members in attendance:
Tad Weinstein (West Haven), Chair
Yvonne Manning-Jones   (New Haven) Associate
Johnes Ruta, (New Haven), Advisor, Acting Secretary
John Jessen (New Haven Free Public Library System)
Laurel Coleman (Hamden)
Peaches Quinn (New Haven)   Vice-Chair

Meeting called to order 6:05 PM.

1.   September 3 Minutes
Tad asks for one correction: Item #8 “Frontier has not established FIOS.” Change to:
“Frontier has established FIOS.”

b. New member name “John Jesson” is misspelled. Correct to “John Jessen.” Sorry!

John Jessen makes Motion to accept: with changes. 2nd by Tad Weinstein. . Vote unanimous.

  1. COMCAST Report: –   No Comcast representative present.
    Comcast responded in September to George’s questions about the internet browser FLASH Player
    compatibility.   Comcast responded that they will make the browser correction to adapt this.

    3.   CTAC By-Laws
    Yvonne is working on edit if the present CTAC By-Laws to match the Statewide Connecticut
    Cable Television Advisory By-Laws.   To be applied to the CTAC website:

    4.   CTV
    CTV has not provided a representative to attend the CTAC meeting during the calendar year 2018.
    Johnes makes a Motion to contact Citizens Television (CTV) management to do so soon.
    Laurel Seconds this Motion. Vote unanimous.

  2. CTAC Membership
    Need to fill vacant posts for all three towns as chartered.   Hamden: Members of the public can apply to the Hamden Town Clerk.   Commissioners are elected by the Hamden Town Council.
    Tad makes Motion to contact each town in jurisdiction to provide proper membership.

    Laurel will contact the Hamden Town Clerk to request new appointments.

    6.   New Business
    1. Presidential Alert was broadcast today over cell phone systems to all subscribers.
    Discussion as to existing law making it illegal for any government employee to use this
    for any kind of political or business promotional purpose.

    2. Peaches brings up general discussion of “Roles & Responsibilities” of CTAC and CTAC members
    on CTAC website

    7.   New Video Contest proposal for 2019.
    Videos must be entered as PSA (Public Service Announcement).

Meeting discussion of 2017-2018 Video Contest and student winners.     Peaches describes
aspects of the video contest to new CTAC member John Jessen.
Peaches: “Our budget should put forward some money to schools for video equipment.”
Tad: “In the previous contest, schooks did not want to help publicize the Video Contest,

despite the $1000 cash award available.”

John Jessen talks about Summer Camp Programs that teach video production and editing,
along with Math and Literacy programs,   CTV ran announcements.
The New Haven Board of Alders members, especially Jill Marks and Adam Marchand
should be contacted to ask for assistance with promotion.

Time Frame for the 2019 Video Contest”
November – lists of individuals to contact for promotion.
January – Determine means to promote,contest, and time frame for
Contest criteria
Contest applications
Application Approvals

8. December CTAC meeting: Annual CTAC dinner –
Date – Tuesday, December 11, 6:00 PM.
It is West Haven’s turn: venue possibilities:
a. Biagetti’s (dining room is too loud)   b. Apps   (tentatively decided).

9.   Next CTAC Meeting will take place Wednesday, November 7.   6:00 PM., at CTV, 843 State Street,
New Haven, CT.    

10.   Meeting adjourned 7:07 PM.

October Minutes Submitted 10/16/2018 by Johnes Ruta, CTAC Acting Secretary, New Haven Rep #2


September 5, 2018 Minutes

CTAC   – Monthly Meeting Minutes – September 5, 2018

Members in attendance:
Tad Weinstein (West Haven), Chair
Peaches Quinn (New Haven)   Vice-Chain
George Alexander (Hamden) Treasurer
Johnes Ruta, (New Haven), Advisor, Acting Secretary
John Jesson (New Haven Free Public Library System)

Sharon Codeanne (Comcast Representative)

Visitor: Kurtis Kearney (New Haven citizen)

Meeting called to order 6:05 PM.

1. New Member introduction: John Jesson – New Haven Free Public Library System – appointment by City Librarian Martha Brogan to replace Ashley Sklarr.

2.   August 1 Minutes
No modifications requested. Motion to accept: Tad Weinstein,   2nd’ed: George Alexander.
Vote unanimous. (Johnes recused – submitted Minutes.)

  1. COMCAST Report: – Sharon Codeanne:
    Community Relations
    Great Places to Work and People magazine ranked Comcast No. 4 in its list of “Companies that Care,” for Comcast’s ongoing commitment to create real and lasting impact in the communities where we live and work.Comcast was a sponsor of the annual New Haven public schools Back to School Rally; also donated a laptop that was raffled-off to students.Comcast and Amazon announced an agreement to launch Prime Video on Comcast’s Xfinity  X1 TV later this year, giving Xfinity TV customers easy access to thousands of additional premium shows and movies


On May 30th, Comcast launched international channels and 31 new international packages.

As of June 27th, WCTX SD and WCTX HD ceased providing programming.

On July 24th, the Tennis Channel was added to the Sports & News service tier and  also remain available on the Digital Preferred service tier.

New Customer offerings:
Comcast offers a $9.99 per month discount – available ONLY to new customers, or those off-line from Comcast for more than 90 days.


George Alexander says that another APP Flash Player is needed to run the Comcast X1 App. This raises questions and discussion on the functionality of FLASH functions on various  browsers.

Johnes asks question about X1 Apps – Is direct entry of URL possible. Sharon answers that she will research and respond by email. Though not likely.

4.   Correspondence
George has received more subscription payments for Comcast customers, sent to CTAC. This is puzzling as Comcast payment envelopes always include payment envelopes addressed to Comcast, and specific instructions to subscribers not to send payments to CTAC.

Report from SVAC CT Statewide Cable Advisory July meeting in Cromwell attended by

  1. Peaches Quinn:
    SVAC reports to CT Public Utility Regulatory Authority, as does our local CTAC.
    SVAC meeting includes all other Cable jurisdictions and cable providers – Frontier, Comcast, Cablevision, Optimum, Cox.Peaches: “SVAC is now much more attuned by community issues. Technical Services related to cable: Emphasis of SVAC Chair on related technical items and topic of returning money to communities.   Idea of distributing financial resources to local cable advisories in question:
    Distributing monies to 169 towns would diminish such amounts otherwise needed to retain financial pool for possible legal expenses anticipated by SVAC.”   Johnes wonders what these unexplained “legal expenses” might be ?Tad comment: “SVAC is pro-legislation.”George’s question: “Are there towns wanting to set up their own local cable systems?”
    Peaches: “Will research further. Such constructions would be challenged by existing cable franchises.”6.   CTAC By Laws

Yvonne Manning-Jones (not present this meeting) is working on update of CTAC By-Laws. To be applied to the CTAC website:

7.   CTAC Membership
Need to fill vacant posts for all three towns as chartered.   Hamden: Members of the public can apply to the Hamden Town Clerk.   Commissioners are elected by the Hamden Town Council.

8     General Discussion

Discussion on capabilities of Satellite TV services:   Selections are only downloadable, Satellite TV is not UPLINK capable. Programming cannot be interactive.

Frontier startup business disaster in CT:   George explains that when ATT sold CT franchise to Frontier, they did not share their IP addressess networking, resulting in total breakdown of incipient internet, TV, and telephone land-lines services.

Frontier has not established Fiber Optic FIOS service in limited areas.

9.     Next CTAC Meeting:   Wednesday, October 3, 2018, 6:00 PM at CTV, New Haven.

Meeting adjourned at 7:10 PM.
September Minutes Submitted 09/19/2018 by Johnes Ruta, CTAC Acting Secretary, New Haven Rep #2


August 1, 2018 Minutes

CTAC   – Monthly Meeting Minutes – August 1, 2018

Members in attendance:
Tad Weinstein (West Haven), Chair
George Alexander (Hamden) Treasurer
Yvonne-Manning Jones (New Haven) Advisor
Johnes Ruta, (New Haven), Advisor, Acting Secretary

Meeting called to order 6:10 PM.

1.     CTAC Video Contest

May 9th CTAC Meeting was the Award Ceremony and presentation of Prize Checks” at CTV studio,
video recorded award ceremony for CTV broadcast.

CATEGORY A – “Dreamers Beyond DACA”   – to producer Antonia Seyfarth – $1,000.

CATEGORY B – “Fun Things To Do in New Haven”   – to producer Christian Herron “Ceejay”
– $1,000.

Discussion on development of Freedom of the Press, Freedom of Speech as possible themes of
the next CTAC Video Contest for 2019.

  1. April 4 Minutes
    April 4 was the most previous regular meeting, as May was the CTAC Video Award prize presentation.
    June and July meetings were canceled due to intense storm at time of June meeting, and lack of
    a quorum for July meeting.
    Discussion – no corrections needed to previously submitted April Minutes, already on CTAC website.
    George Alexander makes Motion to Accept.   Tad Weinstein seconds this Motion.
    Vote – unanimous.
  2. COMCAST Report: – No report; Sharon Codeanne absent.


  1. CTAC Statewide No report; Joe Schofield absent.
  2. CTAC By-Laws   – accordance with Title 16 of CT General Statutes.
    Discussion whether changes needed ? :
  3. DPUC wording still on (CTAC website for Hamden, New Haven,
    West Haven) needs wording update to PURA.
    b. August 2009 Rules still on website – needs to be updated to 2018 wording.
    – Yvonne will review CTAC by PURA PDF docs & submit recommendations.


  1. CTAC Members serve for terms of two years.
    d. If agreed, specific issues may be discussed and voted by email.


  1. Statewide Cable Advisory


Peaches Quinn and Tad Weinstein attended the Statewide Cable Advisory Meeting in May.
Peaches will report on at next CTAC Meeting.
At Statewide meeting, Peaches made Motion proposing that Statewide would split their Budget Funds
among local advisories. Statewide had $30,000 funds. Peaches Motion at Statewide was voted down.

7.   Cable Provider Internet Speeds

Discussion on on comparative internet speeds and TV/ Telephone/ Internet bundle plans.

8.   Next CTAC Meeting scheduled for Wednesday, September 5, 2018, 6:00PM.

CTAC Meeting adjourned at 7:00 PM EDT.

August Minutes Submitted 08/08/2018 by Johnes Ruta, CTAC Acting Secretary, New Haven Rep #2


May 9, 2018 Video Contest Award Ceremony

The CTAC Meeting was the Award Ceremony and presentation of Prize Checks at the CTV studio. The event was video recorded for CTV broadcast. You may view the ceremony and the winning videos by clicking on

The winners of the contest were

CATEGORY A – “Dreamers Beyond DACA”   awarded to producer Antonia Seyfarth – $1,000.

CATEGORY B – “Fun Things To Do in New Haven”   awarded to producer Christian Herron “Ceejay” – $1,000.


April 4, 2018 Minutes

CTAC   – Monthly Meeting Minutes – April 4, 2018
Members in attendance:
Tad Weinstein (West Haven), Chair
George Alexander (Hamden) Treasurer
Yvonne-Manning Jones (New Haven) Advisor
Ashley Sklar (New Haven Public Library) Advisor
Laurel Coleman (West Haven) Advisor
Peaches Quinn (New Haven) Vice-Chair
Johnes Ruta, (New Haven), Advisor, Acting Secretary
Meeting called to order 6:10 PM.

1.   March Teleconference Minutes
Changes requested to item #2 (b) by George Alexander regarding inaccurate quote of Comcast
upload/download Speed Test. Agreed to make correction by Johnes.
Laurel Coleman made Motion to then Approve.   Ashley Sklar Seconded the Motion.
Vote – unanimous.

2.   February Teleconference Minutes
George requested correction to Spelling error in item #1, and addition to item #5regarding Frontier
annual funding contribution of $2,000 to Statewide CTAC.   Corrections agreed to by Johnes.
George made Motion to then Approve.   Ashley Sklar Seconded the Motion.
Vote – unanimous.

3.     CTAC Video Contest

a.) Laurel Colemen provides her CTAC Video Scoring Sheet in person.
b.) Johnes now tabulates the final scores.   George reviews the Tabulation Sheet.
c.) Discussion of the scoring methodology. OK.

Deadline will be reached tomorrow April 8, 2018, for the CTAC Video Contest Winner Notifications:

CATEGORY A – “Dreamers Beyond DACA”   – to producer Antonia Seyfarth – $1,000.

CATEGORY B – “Fun Things To Do in New Haven”   – to producer Christian Herron “Ceejay”
– $1,000.

Johnes requested to notify the winners by email (CC: CTACForward) and invite them to accept the
presentation of their Award Prize Checks at Modern Apizza, State Street, New Haven at the next
CTAC Meeting Wednesday, May 9th   6:00PM.

Winners are to be invited to bring three other individuals involved in their videos to this dinner.
Parents and/or co-sponsors are to be invited, up to four individuals for each winner.

A Press Release notification of this meeting will be distributed to local media and press.

Johnes make Motion to accept the winners according to the tabulation scores.
Tad second the Motion.   Vote taken is unanimous.

Laurel asks if there will be another Video Contest in the coming year. George replies, “Yes, we do have         the budget already.”

4.   COMCAST Report: – submitted by Sharon Codeanne via email.


Sling International is a multichannel live TV service that is streamed over the Internet and offers International channel packages that are available on a subscription basis.  Starting March 29, X1 customers will start seeing the Sling International app appear in the X1 Apps menu.  Once there, they will be able to sign-up for Sling International channels directly within the app, or log-in with an existing Sling International account.

  • Customers who subscribe to both Xfinity X1 and Xfinity Internet are now able to subscribe to Pro Guitar Lessons TV On Demand, an Xfinity Internet Subscription Video On Demand service. Pro Guitar Lessons TV offers professional guitar lessons for the whole family with 170+ lessons on chords, scales, songs, changing strings, playing funk bass and more!
  • As of March 28, Acorn TV On Demand and Disney Story Central On Demand subscription services are available to Xfinity TV customers across our Xfinity On Demand platforms for $4.99 per month
  • Vme Kids HD programming is now available to live stream out-of-home via the Xfinity Stream app or web portal. Vme Kids is the first television channel in Spanish with educational programming for children in preschool 24 hours a day, seven days a week.  Please note that in order for customers to view this content, they must subscribe to an Xfinity TV package that includes Vme Kids.
  • With the Xfinity Stream app or web portal, customers can live stream certain local ABC, NBC and Telemundo broadcast affiliate networks while out-of-home.  Please note that if an Xfinity TV customer is connected to their in-home WiFi network, they can use the Xfinity Stream app to live stream all local broadcast affiliates.
  • Here is the link to our Xfinity Stream web portal for Xfinity TV customers:
  • The 17th annual Comcast Cares Day will be held at the Clinton Avenue School in New Haven.  Comcast employees will be volunteering their time to work on various projects at the school.  All are welcome to join in!

George Alexander states that Comcast customer checks erroneously received at CTAC (despite notice on every
Comcast bill) will be kept until Sharon Codeanne attends a meeting.   Johnes voices wonder whether this
might endanger the continuous cable connections of these Comcast customers ?

  1. CTAC Statewide

    Tad Weinstein and Peaches Quinn state that they will attend the CTAC Statewide Meeting on Tuesday,
    April 24th.


Peaches makes a Motion to adjourn this meeting at 7:00.   Johnes seconds this motion.

CTAC Meeting adjourned at 7:00 PM EDT.

April Minutes Submitted 04/23/2018 by Johnes Ruta, CTAC Acting Secretary, New Haven Rep #2


March 7, 2018 Minutes

CTAC   – Monthly Meeting Minutes – March Meeting TELECONFERENCE – March 7, 2018
Teleconference meeting arranged by Tad due to snowy weather. CTV Offices were closed at this time.

Members in attendance:
Tad Weinstein (West Haven), Chair
George Alexander (Hamden) Treasurer
Peaches Quinn (New Haven) Vice-Chair   (arrival 6:28 pm)
Laurel Coleman (West Haven) Advisor
Johnes Ruta, (New Haven), Advisor, Acting Secretary
Teleconference Meeting called to order 6:04 PM.

1.     CTAC Video Contest
a.) Discussion on inviting Sharon Codeanne, Joe Schofield, and Walter Bradley to view and
scrore the video submissions. George recommends that Comcast should televise the
award winner, as it is they fund the award.

b.) Johnes has printed all the Parental Permission and Actors Release Forms, which he would have
brought to a meeting tonight at CTV.

c.) According to the pre-published schedule, CTAC advisors will score the video emtries and submit
to the CTAC council by Wednesday, March 14.
d.) The criteria for the Judging Rubric is available on the website,
in grading values from 1 to 4 ( 4 = highest).

e.) The Video Contest winners are to be chosen by the next CTAC meeting on Wednesday April 4,
2018, and the winners to be notified by April 13th, 2018.

  1. COMCAST Report: – None submitted this month.

    a.) Johnes requests contact with Sharon Codeanne regarding “Comcast Customer Privacy Notice”              which was received in his monthly Comcast billing (dated 02/17/18), as he finds certain terms
    to be questionable in which Comcast reserves the right to release privacy data to other agencies.
    Are these GMOs and or Non-GMOs ?

b.) George questions the accuracy of an email message from Comcast stating significantly increased
internet download / upload speeds of 150 MB per second. George’s Internet Speed Test several                   times during the day today indicated actual upload speed as 5 MB/second.

  1. CTV – Johnes asks about poor sound quality of 8 AM weekday broadcast on Channel 26.
    Tad says that we can contact Joe Schofield via his cell phone, and that he can monitor the
    sound quality remotely, and correct it.

    4.   CTAC Funding
    George Alexander and Peaches Quinn renew the debate on the issue of Frontier’s contribution
    to the Cable Advisory group.   – An annual check of $2,000 goes to CTAC-Statewide.
    George and Peaches want to know if monies can be rather divided among all the local Cable
    Television Advisory groups, and wants explanation of all franchise contributions. (Tad Weinstein
    is the Treasurer of the Statewide-CTAC.)   Peaches recommends that Tad inquire Statewide
    the details of franchise financial contributions and report to our CTAC chapter (Hamden,
    New Haven, West Haven.)

    Statewide Video Advisory Council website:

Peaches makes a Motion to make a formal request to Statewide-CTAC for a Financial Grant
or Scholarship Award for all Advisory Councils in Connecticut.
Laurel Coleman seconds this Motion. Vote take – all vote Yes in concurrence.


  1. Budget 2018: Discussion delayed until next meeting in person, rather than in teleconference.

    6.   Correspondence – None submitted.

    7.   New Business:

The next CTAC Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, 6 PM, April 4, 2018.

Tad asks if all business is complete for this meeting. – No further business brought forth.
George makes Motion to adjourn. Johnes seconds the Motion. All agreed.

CTAC Teleconference meeting is adjourned at 7:02 PM EDT.

March Minutes Submitted with informational modification to item #2 (b)
04/23/2018 by Johnes Ruta, CTAC Acting Secretary, New Haven Rep #2


February 7, 2018 Minutes

CTAC   – Monthly Meeting Minutes – February Meeting TELECONFERENCE – February 7, 2018
Teleconference meeting arranged by Tad due to snowy weather. CTV Offices were closed at this time.

Members in attendance:
Tad Weinstein (West Haven), Chair
George Alexander (Hamden) Treasurer
Peaches Quinn (New Haven) Vice-Chair
Yvonne Manning-Jones   (New Haven)
Ashley Sklarr (New Have Library System) Advisor
Johnes Ruta, (New Haven), Advisor, Acting Secretary
Meeting called to order 6:03 PM.

1.    January Minutes
Peaches makes Motion to approve January, 2018 Minutes, George Alexander Seconds this Motion.
Vote – approved.
to void December Motion to extend Video Contest Deadline.

2.     CTAC Video Contest
a.) George asks Johnes about previous request to contestants to indicate how they learned of the
CTAC Video Contest. Johnes indicates that this question was included in his January 4th email
to each approved contestant, but none provided an answer. Johnes will try again. (Johnes did
repeat this question to contestants on February 8th, but still none replied.

b.) The deadline for video entries is Wednesday, February 28, 2018. (Johnes also re-informed
each contestant of this deadline in Feb, 8 emails.)

c.) Contestants must submit Parental Permission and Actors’ Release Forms before Contest
Prizes can be distributed to winners. Email JPG Form or paper Forms OK.   (None received as of
February 20th.)

  1. Frontier –   Tad Weinstein says that Frontier is technically not a cable TV company, and therefore not
    in our jurisdiction.   Licensing has Comsumer Requirements. George Alexander specifies that
    Cablevision is a cable company, offering TV via cable. Frontier is rather in the jurisdictio
    of the Statewide Cable Television Advisory.


  1. COMCAST Report:
    Tad indicates that Comcast is only required to appear at CTAC meetings twice per year.There is no Comcast Report this month.

    5.   CTAC Funding
    CTAC funding is only available from Comcast as the local franchise television carrier within
    our jurisdiction.

    Johnes asks if Frontier funds the Statewide Cable Television Advisory, then should not this
    funding be divided and distributed among all the local CT Councils ?   Peaches Quinn: Seconds
    this question.   George wants to know the specifics about the Frontier funding and docket.

Annual Report – was submitted to PURA at the end of January..   Frontier provides an annual
funding check of $2,000 to STATEWIDE CTAC.

6.   CTV – no report this month.

7.   CTAC Budget –
Not discussed yet.

George make Motion to arrange 2018 Budget the same as 2017. Peaches Seconds this motion.
Vote taken – all in favor, unanimous.

8.   Next CTAC meeting scheduled for Wednesday, March 7, 2018.

  1. No further business at this time.   Peaches makes Motion to adjourn.CTAC Teleconference meeting is adjourned at 6:39 PM EDT.

    February 2018 Minutes Resubmitted with corrections and addition to item #5 Annual Report clause
    04/23/2018 by Johnes Ruta, CTAC Acting Secretary, New Haven Rep #2



January 3, 2018 Minutes

CTAC   – Monthly Meeting Minutes – January Meeting – January 3, 2018

Members in attendance:
Tad Weinstein (West Haven), Chair
George Alexander (Hamden) Treasurer
Yvonne Manning-Jones   (New Haven)
Ashley Sklarr (New Have Library System) Advisor
Laurel Coleman (Hamden) , Advisor.

Peaches Quinn (New Haven) Vice-Chair
Johnes Ruta, (New Haven), Advisor, Acting Secretary
Sharon Codeanne (COMCAST Representative)

Meeting called to order 6:05 PM.

1.   December Minutes
George Alexander makes a Motion to void December Motion to extend Video Contest Deadline.
The deadline dates for applications, entries, and CTAC, were not consistent with the calendar.
No applications had been received until after Christmas. George’s Motion is Seconded by Tad
Weinstein. Vote taken with all members voting yes, but for one abstention by Laurel Coleman.
Two applications were received before the deadline, and one more application was received
at 12:10 AM January 1, 2018.   As only two previous applications were previously received,
Johnes makes a Motion to accept this third one, and to then close the applications. George
Alexander seconds this Motion. Vote taken then is unanimously Yes.

2.       COMCAST Report: Provided and read by Sharon Codeanne, Comcast representative.

On January 9, 2018, Comcast will launch WRDM HD on Channek 1051 on the Limited Basic tier.
On January 24, 2018, Comcast will launc WTIC-TBD on Channels 935 and 1181 on the Limited
Basci tier.

On or around January 18, 2018, Spike TV HD will be renamed a Paramount Network
and Paramount Network HD,

Questions put to Comcast:
1. Johnes asks to please provide Comcast’s Profit figures for 2017, and Comcast’s CEO Salary.
Ms. Codeanne directs the question to the website under Investor Relations
for answers to these questions.

2. Johnes also asks why the Comcast Weather Scan programming at Channel 101 has been dropped.
Ms. Codeanne also directs for an answer to the website.

3.        CTV – Frontier is now covering CTV on a single channel selector is moving to separate
channel numbers this month.

  1. Annual Report – Tad Weinstein is compiling report to submit to PURA – to be submitted by the end

of January.. The filing process has changed and is not more complicated.

5. CTAC Video Contest – Notifications of receipt to contest entrants must be done immediately.
All three entries are in the lowest age category. Request each entrant to identify how they
learned of the contest.   Send “Your Application is approved – Please proceed with your
video project. Upload to Youtube,com and provide the URL link, Due Date is February 28
for CTAC viewing”   Should CC CTAC Forward email.   (Johnes note – this notification
to entrants was done January 4, 2018.)

Peaches Quinn states that her test application as a 16 year-old entrant did not notify her
on CTAC Forward, (Johnes noted receiving this test application.)

5.   New Business – Peaches Quinn raises a question as to whether we should use conference call
meetings on an intermittent basis ? For instamce at times of bad whether, snow days,
or during summer ?     George suggests possibility of SKYPE conference calling.
Peaches makes Motion that we use conference call capability on a schedule to be determined
through the year as needed.   Johnes Ruta Seconds this Motion. Vote taken is unanimous Yes.

6,   Correspondence:   1. a COMCAST Customer question – “What is the lowest subscription price?”
2. Johnes asks how Comcast customer checks that come to CTAC – how they got that address?
George’s answer: CTAC address is on the COMCAST Bill, though customers are told not to
send checks to that address…
3. Peaches asks whether Comcast will install Cable access in Community Rooms of Section 8
Housing? She has concern for citizens who have no television exposure, Peaches further asks
“What would be eligability requirements?”
Sharon Codeanne reply: “Comcast Business Services Group might provide this service in
special circumstances.”   Peaches: “Who decides?”   Sharon replies she will provide contact
information to CTAC.   Peaches further concern for citizens’ Literary, Education, News,
and psychological benefits to general socialization.

7.   Next CTAC meeting scheduled for Wednesday, February 7, 2018.

CTAC meeting is adjourned at 7:00 PM EDT.

Minutes Submitted 02/04/2018 by Johnes Ruta, CTAC Acting Secretary, New Haven Rep #2