
August 2014


August 6, 2014 Minutes

MINUTES of CTAC of Hamden, New Haven and West Haven Meeting Date: August 6, 2014

Call to order: A regular monthly meeting of CTAC was held at CTV, 843 State Street, New Haven, Connecticut on Wednesday, August 6,2014. Chair Tad Weinstein presiding. Don Levy secretary. Meeting started at 6: 1 O.

Members in attendance:

Tad Weinstein, Chair (WH) Peaches Quinn (NH)

George Alexander, Treasurer (H) Don Levy, Secretary (H)

Johnes Ruta, (NH)

Non-member Comcast representative: Sharon Codeanne present

Minutes of July 2, 2014 meeting accepted.

Comcast report detailed changes to the Internet Essentials program. The program is targeted at low income families with school-aged children which receive Comcast cable services not currently with internet access in the home. Internet Essentials will now be provided at no charge for up to six months. Once the free introductory period is complete, monthly fees are $9.95. Comcast also has provided an amnesty program allowing families with outstanding cable bills to participate. Eligibility requires that families have at least one school-aged child eligible for the National School Lunch Program or to attend a school in which most students are eligible for the program. Low cost computers are also available for purchase from Comcast for the qualifying families.

A long discussion regarding distribution of prize money from the Video contest ensued. Council voted to award money to the administrative sponsor of the winning project to be distributed equally to all student participants based on identification in the video’s credits. Students themselves will decide how the money will be spent.

Secretary will mail letters informing superintendents of schools in the three towns as soon as letter and inserts have been finalized.

Council voted to send a letter of thanks to retiring council member Jennifer Sacco. Her tireless efforts as CTAC Secretary were noted. Secretary was instructed to send a letter of appreciation to Jennifer Sacco and to send a copy to Hamden Mayor Scott Jackson. Motion passed.

The August regular meeting of CTAC was adjourned at 7:40.

Respectfully submitted by D. Levy, CTAC secretary