
April 2012


April 4, 2012 Minutes

MINUTES of CTAC of Hamden, New Haven, and West Haven

Meeting date: 4/4/12

Call to order: A regular meeting of the CTAC, was held at CTV, Hamden, CT on 4/4/12. The meeting convened at , President Tad Weinstein presiding, and Jennifer Sacco, secretary.

Members in attendance:

George Alexander, H treasurer

Carl Lambert, Sr., H

Don Levy, H

Joyce Listro, NH

Jen Sacco, H secretary

Tad Weinstein, WH chair

No CTV representative present

No Comcast representative present

Approval of minutes: Motion was made by Carl, and seconded by Jen  to approve the minutes of the 3/7/12 meeting. Motion carried.

Officers’ reports:

            No Comcast report

            No CTV report

George presented our correspondence.  We received a copy of a letter to the mayor of Hamden, etc., regarding the airing of programs from One World Institute at inconvenient times.  Per our earlier negotiated resolution, any missed and requested episode should be made available by CTV on the website, but apparently that server is not working properly as of today (4/4/12).  However, efforts are underway to fix the server. 

Don moved that Jen draft a response to be agreed to by our group via email that can be forwarded to the complainants.  Joyce seconded; motion carried.

Johnes sent an email to indicate that he is still researching policies regarding cable rates with the state legislature.

New business:

The group agreed to think of a contest for the schools to award a technology grant.  We have in principle agreed that students will be asked to create a 90 second video promoting public access television, and each of the middle schools in the three towns will be asked to enter, and that we will have a first, second, and third place winner, and run the contest in the 2012-2013 school year.  We will refine our ideas via email and at our next meeting. 

Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 6:55 p.m..


Jennifer Sacco
