
May 6, 2009 Minutes

MINUTES of CTAC of Hamden, New Haven, and West Haven – May 6, 2009

In attendance:
Gabriel Michael NH
George Alexander H
Jennifer Sacco H
Tad Weinstein WH
Joyce Listro NH BOE

No representative present from Comcast; no representative present from CTV.

Review of grant letter for New Haven Board of Education with updates for this year’s grant for 2 cameras and a computer.  Gabriel will write up a draft copy of the updated letter and will send to council via email.

No update from Hamden about a grant request; at last meeting a representative from Hamden was going to speak with Joe Schofield of CTV.  

Tad will be sending a letter to the superintendant of West Haven to see if they would like to request grant money as well.

Customer complaints that we received were largely in relation to removal of the Fox 5 channel from New York.

Jen suggested that we generate a fact sheet about how to use an antenna and make print copies for distribution to senior centers and to send in the mail to people who write in (who are not internet users.)  George does not believe we should suggest to people that they put up their own antennae because of the lightning concerns.  It should be done by a professional.  George and Gabriel suggested that a handout be printed in large type so it can be easily read.

Recruitment discussed; Gabriel will contact someone at Yale for a replacement.

George gave a financial report; the new check that Sharon Codeanne of Comcast said she would send has not arrived.

Meeting adjourned at 7:00 p.m.