
March 13, 2019 Minutes

CTAC Meeting Wednesday, March 13th 2019 

Tad Weinstein – (West Haven._ –  Chair
Peaches Quinn – (New Haven) – Vice Chair
John Jessen – (New Haven Library System) – Advisor
Johnes Ruta – (New Haven) – Acting Secretary
Yvonne Manning-Jones  – (New Haven ) – Advisor. – attending via telephone link.

Meeting convened at 6:15.

  1. February Minutes – Tad asks that last sentence of Feb. Item 8 be struck. Incorrect spelling of
    John Jessen’s name “Jesson” is asked to be corrected. Tad makes motion to accept Feb, Minutes
    with corrections as stated above. Peaches seconds motion to accept Minutes as ammended.
    Vote unanimous.

    2.  BY-LAWS – Tad asks that wording indicating “DPUC” to “PURA.”

    3. Statewide Cable Council – Council decided to sponsor Bill HB 5486 in CT Legislature –
    an Act to stop the State Legislature from taking monies from Cable Television Council fund.

The Connecticut Statewide Video Advisory Council (SVAC) has unanimously endorsed 3
bills to protect community television public access programming and also calls for an end
to the regulatory sweep of PEGPETIA funds.

HB5990 – Establishment of a Fee Paid by Multichannel Video.

HB5486 – An act repealing the transfer of public, educational, and governmental programming
and education technology investment account to the General Fund.

SB677 – Providers of Telecommunication Services for Level Technology for Stations and
upgrading of equipment. This will require providers of telecommunication services to deliver
the same level of technology for all stations. (Net equality.)

Proposed Bill No. 6421 – an act concerning the regulation of cable television rates.
Requires that Title 16 of the General Statutes be amended to regulate cable television rates.

4.     It is noted that $20 Million per year is collected from Cable Providers who gather monies
from television subscriptions. In 2014, Don Levi wrote a letter to the CT State Senate
to request clarification of this process.

5.     Johnes asks how to learn which CT Cable Council serve which areas of the state?
He is referered to the PURA Website.

Next meeting Wednesday, April 3, 2019 at 6:00PM.

Meeting adjourned: 6:55 PM.