
August 5, 2009 Minutes

MINUTES of CTAC of Hamden, New Haven, and West Haven –  August 5, 2009

Tad Weinstein, WH, chair

Jennifer Sacco, H, secretary

George Alexander, H, treasurer

John Biaros, Comcast

Joe Schofield, CTV

Meeting called to order 6:00 p.m., though no quorum.  Joe Schofield was with us briefly to let us know that things are slow since it is summer and there is nothing much to report.  George let Joe know that the minutes of the meetings of the statewide video advisory council are available online.  Tad let him know that the channel 99 broadcast of PEG channel on AT&T is drastically improved in quality (in terms of loading speed).  Joe asked that the labels on the channels (26, 27, and 96) have incorrect labels on Comcast.

Those present agreed to vote on minutes online with 4 yes votes to approve (when number of members is 6)

John let us know that Red Sox on demand is available.  Accepted 8 checks, an application for senior discount, and a customer complaint.  Senior discount is 10% off and means-tested.  Comcast is no longer a sponsor of the tennis tournament.

Tad let us know that we had some publicity from our grant in the New Haven Register. 

No report back to us from CTV board meeting.

Correspondence-  bank statement and community media review.

George asked John about the free digital boxes in Hamden, because channels being bumped up to higher numbers and basic members were supposed to get a free digital box for a year, then for life, according to Sharon Codeanne at previous meetings.  John said promotion is over, but that the people who had contacted George directly could probably be provided for.

Tad distributed copies of Statewide Video Advisory Council (SVAC) schedule to see if anyone can attend.  No meeting place was identified in advanced.  At September meeting when we have more attendance, we will inquire if anyone can attend.

George gave us treasurer’s report.  We don’t have applicants from Hamden or West Haven for our grants.

Meeting adjourned 6:50 p.m.