
April 2014


April 2, 2014 Minutes

Weds.  April 2, 2014
George Alexander, Treasurer, H
Don Levy, H
Jennifer Sacco, H
Tad Weinstein, WH, chair
Johnes Ruta, NH
Peaches Quinn, vice chair, NH
Phil Kimmel, H
Joe Schofield, CTV
Meeting called to order 6:10 p.m.
Peaches moved we approve the March minutes with corrections of two minor errors.  Johnes seconded.  Motion passed.
State ordered Comcast and CTV to be reconnected, which costs CTV about $15,000.  Comcast negotiated a payment plan for CTV.
CTV has not heard back from AT&T about them putting CTV on their system, despite CTV meeting their demands.
There were 3 bills in the legislature to restore PEGPETIA funds, each of which died in committee, but an aggregated new bill is before the State legislature, HB 5413.
Phil presented a list of public middle schools in the 3 city area, to whom our contest announcement will be sent.
Jen stepped down as secretary and asked someone else to be willing to step up as secretary.  Peaches moved that the council accept Jen’s resignation as secretary, Johnes seconded.  Motion passed.
 Johnes moved that the responsibility be rotated, Don seconded.  Motion not carried. Phil will take minutes in May. Peaches takes June.  Elections will be held in June.  Peaches moves that in May we will nominate candidates for offices.  Don seconded.  Approved.  George agrees to make template for the minutes.
Meeting adjourned 7:22 p.m.